Statement from the club on the proposed pilot to introduce colt teams in to the SPFL setup


Having reviewed the proposal as presented by Rangers and Celtic football clubs, the club comments as follows:


We are disappointed that this colt teams proposal has been proposed and presented by Rangers and Celtic FC and not by the SFA.  A proposal of this nature should have been presented as part of an overall plan for improving the transition of our youth talent from 17-20 year olds via a proposal from the SFA.


We agree that some new methodology has to be found to improve the game in Scotland and as a club we would be pleased to be consulted on how we may play our part e.g. an enhanced loan system.


We are concerned that after the 2 year pilot we had no assurances as to where this may go afterwards in terms of the fundamental principles or indeed the number of clubs involved.


We then also met with our supporters who were unanimously against. This led us to believe that the £2500 per match could be lost over the other matches by supporters who decide not to attend our matches as a result.


Therefore, the club is not in favour of supporting the proposed pilot.