Warriors Family Fun Day
Prize winners
Lucky Stick
1st Prize Winner
BEAR Morgan Lownie
2nd Prize Winner
TRUCK Declan ?
3rd Prize Winner
The Raffle
1st Prize x 2 Winning Ticket Numbers Winner
Bicycle White 171 -175 Ms Gilchrest
Bicycle Yellow 991 – 995 Lyle Purkiss
2nd Prize
Hamper Yellow 886 – 890 Iain Black
3rd Prize x 2
Wine Yellow 181 – 185 A. Waters
Wine Yellow 141 – 145 Collected in Park
4th Prize
Beer Yellow 446 – 450 Mrs Cruicks
5th Prize
Ladies Gift Set Blue 181 – 185 Heather ?
The club would like to take this opportunity to thank all our community for attending the club's Family Fun Day on Sunday making it a great success.
It was estimated that in excess of 2,500 people attended and enjoyed the spectacle.
In particular the club would like to say a special thank you to all our volunteers for their help throughout the weekend and particularly during the Family Fun Day making it another tremendous day without who’s efforts would make the event impossible to run.
Finally, thank you for your continued support and attendance making the day such a popular event in our community diary.
Many thanks once again.
Stenhousemuir FC at the Heart of our Community